I've had a couple questions from applicants about submitting a portfolio with the admission application. Some university programs screen applicants by first reviewing a portfolio of artwork produced while in high school or at the community college. These institutions may have small or highly selective programs that can only accommodate a small number of new students each year.
This is not the case with the art undergraduate programs at CSUF (graduate programs do require a portfolio). Simply put, if you are admitted to the university you are admitted into the Bachelor of Art program: no portfolio or interview is required. I'd explain the philosophy behind that but I think I'll ask Larry Johnson, the department chair to do that as a comment to this post.
Now, there is a screen of sorts but it only applies if you choose to pursue one of the department's Bachelor of Fine Arts programs (illustration, animation, crafts, etc.), any only after you are a student in the program. The vast majority of our students pursue a BFA program.
To pursue a BFA program one must pass the four core classes with a B average or better. Those classes are 2D Design, 3D Design, Beginning Painting and Beginning Drawing. If you come here as a freshman you'll take those classes during your first two years; if a transfer student, you probably took all of some of those classes at another institution. But I'm getting beyond the question of portfolios.
Simply put, you've no need to worry about compiling a greatest hits package. If you're admitted to CSUF you're admitted to the art department.
As Dean Harris has indicated some programs have severely limited space or they desire to be highly selective.
We too are selective, however we believe that students entering Cal State Fullerton will prove their capabilities by exhibiting strong performance in the four foundation courses he described and that at a minimum a 'B' average is that measure. In this way performance is measured by what you do now.
Students with limited access to quality preparatory instruction can be assured an opportunity to succeed and those with the benefit of quality public or private instruction can prove the strength of what they have achieved.
No one is denied this opportunity for proving their capabilities to continue toward their desired goal.
The foundation is where we begin and it prepares you with the knowledge and skill sets that you will carry forward and build upon throughout your BFA no matter which concentration you select.
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