Last week about eight of us from ceramics took a trip to Louisville, Kentucky. Now why would we voluntarily sit packed like sardines in an airplane for hours to arrive at a place where all Starbuck’s close at 5 PM? Because of NCECA of course. NCECA stands for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts. It’s an annual conference that lasts for about four days. It involves a lot of visiting galleries, buying tools from venders, trying to score freebies from venders, getting information about grad schools, schmoozing, partying, dancing, not sleeping, partying some more, looking at more galleries and listening to charming and witty speakers (well they are usually charming and witty, but you can’t win every time right?).

I think I took a lot back from this trip. I feel very happy to be involved in such a friendly and supportive group of people known as potters, also commonly referred to (lovingly or not) as mud people, clay people, dirt people, etc. I think we really were able to bond with each other, and our professors and I think that it shows in the studio now that we are back. The environment is much more mellow and I feel as though there is a greater level of appreciation towards one another. Either from those that are happy we are back because the studio was so lonely, or from those of us that had to hang out with each other for four days straight!
As far as the conference’s influence on my work, I have mixed feelings about that. I think initially it left me feeling very disappointed and jaded and trying to point fingers at what was making me feel this way. I realized though, all this is in my control and I’m the one that needs to inspire myself to make work. So I guess it’s fair to say I’ve been pretty productive since I got back, and I guess I owe that to NCECA.
Oh, and by the way, the campus partially funded our trip. Yahoo! It wasn’t a lot, but every little bit helps.
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