Busy, busy, busy! I’m in full swing with classes and projects galore. My graphic design class is my favorite even though we always have a lot of work. As I was talking about last week, we have to create a 3D design. For our homework we have to construct two of our best ideas using cheap computer paper--sort of a mock up of what the final would look like. I have this really cute idea of creating a box that’s in the shape of a bumble bee. The box will be constructed with black paper and the yellow stripes on it I’m going to cut out and put a transparency behind them. Basically, when a person looks at the box they can see yellow jelly beans inside the container. My idea is to call them “Jelly Bees.” I figure, there are gummy worms out there so why not candy bees?
For computer graphics we haven’t started our next project yet, but we will be constructing a website that will focus on music. It’s a group project and the few people who are taking the class a second time are going to work on it together. It will be good experience to focus on a team effort. I’ll fill you all in on how it’s coming along. Eventually it should be up and running by the end of the semester.
-Melissa :)
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